Matthew Green

Matthew Green is a journalist dedicated to exploring the relationship between collective trauma and our global crises – and the new responses this perspective might unlock.

After spending 14 years working internationally as a correspondent for Reuters and the Financial Times, Matthew returned to his native Britain a decade ago to write his book Aftershock: Fighting War, Surviving Trauma and Finding Peace, which documents the struggles of military veterans and their families to recover from psychological injury.

For the past five years, he has worked as a climate journalist, and now serves as global investigations editor at DeSmog, a nonprofit news service. He is a student in Thomas Hübl’s Timeless Wisdom Training; a co-host of the Collective Trauma Summit 2023; and a contributor to the Pocket Project.

His Resonant World newsletter serves the growing, global movement exploring the impact of individual, ancestral and collective trauma – and how it can be healed.