A Sacred Invitation from the Council of Indigenous Sages of Colombia.
June 20, 2024
7:30AM HST / 10:30AM PST / 1:30PM EST
O’Kekau’ilani, Na Pua Hala O’ Kau’ai dancing for Summer Solstice of Peace 2018, Kauai

A pivotal moment foretold in ancient prophecies is upon us - a time for humanity to reawaken our profound connection to Mother Earth and harmonize our relationship with the sacred rhythms of life.
A Pivotal Moment
On the June Solstice, Indigenous communities across the globe are uniting in a historic synchronization of ceremonies, creating a powerful wave of healing vibrations to catalyze a shift in human consciousness. Inspired by The Council of Indigenous Sages of Colombia, the Elders of our global community invite you to join this sacred virtual gathering on June 20th, 2024.
Through sacred rituals, prayers, and songs, led by our Elders Pacha K'anchay, Mamo Lorenzo Izquierdo Arroyo, Kumu Hula Puna Kalama Dawson, and Elders from around the world, we will weave a tapestry of focused intentions to restore balance and deepen our interconnection with all life.
Synchronized Indigenous Ceremonies aim to catalyze the emergence of an ecological consciousness, a profound shift in how we perceive, interact with, and inhabit the natural world.
By moving from a mindset of separation and dominion to one of reverence, stewardship, and sacred reciprocity with Earth and all her beings, we seek to inspire a systemic transformation in human awareness and action, securing a harmonious future for all.
Hosted by
Kaiāulu Council Elders
Along with Wisdom Keepers from around the world.
Mamo Lorenzo Izquierdo Arroyo
Arhuaco | Mamo Spiritual Priest | Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Kumu Hula Puna Kalama Dawson
Kumu Hula, Hawaiian Indigenous Elder, Board Chair of Coherence Lab, Kaiāulu Founding Elder
Global Coordinator for ONIC (Council of Indigenous Sages of Colombia) Yanakuna | Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Colombia
Pacha K'anchay
Solstice Friends
Supporting the the call for Synchronized Inidigenous Ceremonies

“We don’t work against anything, we just grow the light in our heart, the light in our thoughts, and that, synchronized, will create a frequency, so that the darkness loses its power, automatically.”
Mamo Lorenzo Izquierdo Arroyo
Photo Credit - Ian Merculieff, Kauai 2017
Wisdom Weavers of the World Gathering
A Call to Ceremony this Solstice
At a moment foretold in prophecy, Indigenous elders invite us to join synchronized ceremonies on June 20, to swathe Earth in a 'blanket of peace.'
Read the full article and watch the (video) interview from renowned environmental journalist, Matthew Green, with Kaiāulu Elders, Kumu Hula Puna Kalama Dawson and Mamo Lorenzo Izquierdo Arroyo.
Join us!
This Solstice gathering represents a pivotal opportunity to harness the wisdom of Indigenous traditions and generate the collective will to create a sustainable, harmonious future for all life on Earth.
Whether joining the ceremony from a sacred site or through the Zoom portal, your presence amplifies this great wave of healing and reconnection with nature.
By answering this sacred call, you become a vital force in the restoration, renewal, and positive transformation resonating across our precious world.
We warmly invite you to join this united endeavor. Together, let us honor Earth, celebrate the turning of the season, and focus our intention on amplifying the healing for ourselves, our communities, and Earth.
June 20, 2024
7:30AM HST / 10:30AM PST / 1:30PM EST
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Meeting ID: 829 1391 4758
Passcode: love
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Pacha K'anchay
Global Coordinator for the Council of Indigenous Sages of Colombia
December Solstice 2023